Shifted primed tableaux#
Kirill Paramonov (2017-08-18): initial implementation
Chaman Agrawal (2019-08-12): add parameter to allow primed diagonal entry
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.CrystalElementShiftedPrimedTableau(parent, T, skew=None, check=True, preprocessed=False)#
Class for elements of
.- e(ind)#
Compute the action of the crystal operator \(e_i\) on a shifted primed tableau using cases from the papers [HPS2017] and [AO2018].
– an element in the index set of the crystal
Primed tableau or
sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([5,4,2]) sage: t = SPT([[1,1,1,'2p','3p'], [2,'3p',3,3],[3,4]]) sage: t.pp() 1 1 1 2' 3' 2 3' 3 3 3 4 sage: s = t.e(2) sage: s.pp() 1 1 1 2' 3' 2 2 3 3 3 4 sage: t == s.f(2) True sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([2,1]) sage: t = SPT([[2,'3p'],[3]]) sage: t.e(-1).pp() 1 3' 3 sage: t.e(1).pp() 1 3' 3 sage: t.e(2).pp() 2 2 3 sage: r = SPT([[2, 2],[3]]) sage: r.e(-1).pp() 1 2 3 sage: r.e(1).pp() 1 2 3 sage: r.e(2) is None True sage: r = SPT([[1,'3p'],[3]]) sage: r.e(-1) is None True sage: r.e(1) is None True sage: r.e(2).pp() 1 2' 3 sage: r = SPT([[1,'2p'],[3]]) sage: r.e(-1).pp() 1 1 3 sage: r.e(1) is None True sage: r.e(2).pp() 1 2' 2 sage: t = SPT([[2,'3p'],[3]]) sage: t.e(-1).e(2).e(2).e(-1) == t.e(2).e(1).e(1).e(2) True sage: t.e(-1).e(2).e(2).e(-1).pp() 1 1 2 sage: all(t.e(-1).e(2).e(2).e(-1).e(i) is None for i in {-1, 1, 2}) True sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4]) sage: t = SPT([[2,2,2,2]]) sage: t.e(-1).pp() 1 2 2 2 sage: t.e(1).pp() 1 2 2 2 sage: t.e(-1).e(-1) is None True sage: t.e(1).e(1).pp() 1 1 2 2
- f(ind)#
Compute the action of the crystal operator \(f_i\) on a shifted primed tableau using cases from the papers [HPS2017] and [AO2018].
– element in the index set of the crystal
Primed tableau or
sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([5,4,2]) sage: t = SPT([[1,1,1,1,'3p'],[2,2,2,'3p'],[3,3]]) sage: t.pp() 1 1 1 1 3' 2 2 2 3' 3 3 sage: s = t.f(2) sage: s is None True sage: t = SPT([[1,1,1,'2p','3p'],[2,2,3,3],[3,4]]) sage: t.pp() 1 1 1 2' 3' 2 2 3 3 3 4 sage: s = t.f(2) sage: s.pp() 1 1 1 2' 3' 2 3' 3 3 3 4 sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([2,1]) sage: t = SPT([[1,1],[2]]) sage: t.f(-1).pp() 1 2' 2 sage: t.f(1).pp() 1 2' 2 sage: t.f(2).pp() 1 1 3 sage: r = SPT([[1,'2p'],[2]]) sage: r.f(-1) is None True sage: r.f(1) is None True sage: r.f(2).pp() 1 2' 3 sage: r = SPT([[1,1],[3]]) sage: r.f(-1).pp() 1 2' 3 sage: r.f(1).pp() 1 2 3 sage: r.f(2) is None True sage: r = SPT([[1,2],[3]]) sage: r.f(-1).pp() 2 2 3 sage: r.f(1).pp() 2 2 3 sage: r.f(2) is None True sage: t = SPT([[1,1],[2]]) sage: t.f(-1).f(2).f(2).f(-1) == t.f(2).f(1).f(-1).f(2) True sage: t.f(-1).f(2).f(2).f(-1).pp() 2 3' 3 sage: all(t.f(-1).f(2).f(2).f(-1).f(i) is None for i in {-1, 1, 2}) True sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4]) sage: t = SPT([[1,1,1,1]]) sage: t.f(-1).pp() 1 1 1 2' sage: t.f(1).pp() 1 1 1 2 sage: t.f(-1).f(-1) is None True sage: t.f(1).f(-1).pp() 1 1 2' 2 sage: t.f(1).f(1).pp() 1 1 2 2 sage: t.f(1).f(1).f(-1).pp() 1 2' 2 2 sage: t.f(1).f(1).f(1).pp() 1 2 2 2 sage: t.f(1).f(1).f(1).f(-1).pp() 2 2 2 2 sage: t.f(1).f(1).f(1).f(1).pp() 2 2 2 2 sage: t.f(1).f(1).f(1).f(1).f(-1) is None True
- is_highest_weight(index_set=None)#
Return whether
is a highest weight element of the crystal.An element is highest weight if it vanishes under all crystal operators \(e_i\).
sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([5,4,2]) sage: t = SPT([(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2, "3p"), (3, 3)]) sage: t.is_highest_weight() True sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([5,4]) sage: s = SPT([(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), (2, 2, "3p", 3)]) sage: s.is_highest_weight(index_set=[1]) True
- reading_word()#
Return the reading word of
.The reading word of a shifted primed tableau is constructed as follows:
List all primed entries in the tableau, column by column, in decreasing order within each column, moving from the rightmost column to the left, and with all the primes removed (i.e. all entries are increased by half a unit).
Then list all unprimed entries, row by row, in increasing order within each row, moving from the bottommost row to the top.
sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2]) sage: t = SPT([[1,'2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) sage: t.reading_word() [3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2]
- weight()#
Return the weight of
.The weight of a shifted primed tableau is defined to be the vector with \(i\)-th component equal to the number of entries \(i\) and \(i'\) in the tableau.
sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[1,'2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) sage: t.weight() (1, 4, 1)
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.PrimedEntry(entry=None, double=None)#
The class of entries in shifted primed tableaux.
An entry in a shifted primed tableau is an element in the alphabet \(\{1' < 1 < 2' < 2 < \cdots < n' < n\}\). The difference between two elements \(i\) and \(i-1\) counts as a whole unit, whereas the difference between \(i\) and \(i'\) counts as half a unit. Internally, we represent an unprimed element \(x\) as \(2x\) and the primed elements as the corresponding odd integer that respects the total order.
– a half integer or a string of an integer possibly ending inp
– the doubled value
- decrease_half()#
by half a unit.
- decrease_one()#
by one unit.
- increase_half()#
by half a unit.
- increase_one()#
by one unit.
- integer()#
Return the corresponding integer \(i\) for primed entries of the form \(i\) or \(i'\).
- is_primed()#
Checks if
is a primed element.
- is_unprimed()#
Checks if
is an unprimed element.
- primed()#
if it is an unprimed element.
- unprimed()#
if it is a primed element.
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.ShiftedPrimedTableau(parent, T, skew=None, check=True, preprocessed=False)#
A shifted primed tableau.
A primed tableau is a tableau of shifted shape in the alphabet \(X' = \{1' < 1 < 2' < 2 < \cdots < n' < n\}\) such that
the entries are weakly increasing along rows and columns;
a row cannot have two repeated primed elements, and a column cannot have two repeated non-primed elements;
Skew shape of the shifted primed tableaux is specified either with an optional argument
or withNone
entries.Primed entries in the main diagonal can be allowed with the optional boolean parameter
primed_diagonal``(default: ``False
sage: T = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2]) sage: T([[1,"2'","3'",3],[2,"3'"]])[1] (2, 3') sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[1,"2p",2.5,3],[2,2.5]]) sage: t[1] (2, 3') sage: ShiftedPrimedTableau([["2p",2,3],["2p","3p"],[2]], skew=[2,1]) [(None, None, 2', 2, 3), (None, 2', 3'), (2,)] sage: ShiftedPrimedTableau([[None,None,"2p"],[None,"2p"]]) [(None, None, 2'), (None, 2')] sage: T = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2], primed_diagonal=True) sage: T([[1,"2'","3'",3],["2'","3'"]])[1] # With primed diagonal entry (2', 3')
- check()#
Check that
is a valid primed tableau.EXAMPLES:
sage: T = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2]) sage: t = T([[1,'2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) sage: t.check() sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([["2p",2,3],["2p"],[2]],skew=[2,1]) sage: s.check() sage: t = T([['1p','2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: [['1p', '2p', 2, 2], [2, '3p']] is not an element of Shifted Primed Tableaux of shape [4, 2] sage: T = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2], primed_diagonal=True) sage: t = T([['1p','2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) # primed_diagonal allowed sage: t.check() sage: t = T([['1p','1p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: [['1p', '1p', 2, 2], [2, '3p']] is not an element of Shifted Primed Tableaux of shape [4, 2] and maximum entry 6
- is_standard()#
if the entries ofself
are in bijection with positive primed integers \(1', 1, 2', \ldots, n\).EXAMPLES:
sage: ShiftedPrimedTableau([["1'", 1, "2'"], [2, "3'"]], ....: primed_diagonal=True).is_standard() True sage: ShiftedPrimedTableau([["1'", 1, 2], ["2'", "3'"]], ....: primed_diagonal=True).is_standard() True sage: ShiftedPrimedTableau([["1'", 1, 1], ["2'", 2]], ....: primed_diagonal=True).is_standard() False sage: ShiftedPrimedTableau([[1, "2'"], [2]]).is_standard() False sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[None, None,"1p","2p",2],[None,"1"]]) sage: s.is_standard() True
- max_entry()#
Return the minimum unprimed letter \(x > y\) for all \(y\) in
sage: Tab = ShiftedPrimedTableau([(1,1,'2p','3p'),(2,2)]) sage: Tab.max_entry() 3
- pp()#
Pretty print
sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[1,'2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) sage: t.pp() 1 2' 2 2 2 3' sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[10,'11p',11,11],[11,'12']]) sage: t.pp() 10 11' 11 11 11 12 sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([['2p',2,3],['2p']],skew=[2,1]) sage: s.pp() . . 2' 2 3 . 2'
- restrict(n)#
Return the restriction of the shifted tableau to all the numbers less than or equal to
If only the outer shape of the restriction, rather than the whole restriction, is needed, then the faster method
is preferred. Similarly if only the skew shape is needed, userestriction_shape()
sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[1,'2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) sage: t.restrict(2).pp() 1 2' 2 2 2 sage: t.restrict("2p").pp() 1 2' sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([["2p",2,3],["2p"]], skew=[2,1]) sage: s.restrict(2).pp() . . 2' 2 . 2' sage: s.restrict(1.5).pp() . . 2' . 2'
- restriction_outer_shape(n)#
Return the outer shape of the restriction of the shifted tableau
to \(n\).If \(T\) is a (skew) shifted tableau and \(n\) is a half-integer, then the restriction of \(T\) to \(n\) is defined as the (skew) shifted tableau obtained by removing all cells filled with entries greater than \(n\) from \(T\).
This method computes merely the outer shape of the restriction. For the restriction itself, use
sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([["2p",2,3],["2p"]], skew=[2,1]) sage: s.pp() . . 2' 2 3 . 2' sage: s.restriction_outer_shape(2) [4, 2] sage: s.restriction_outer_shape("2p") [3, 2]
- restriction_shape(n)#
Return the skew shape of the restriction of the skew tableau
.If \(T\) is a shifted tableau and \(n\) is a half-integer, then the restriction of \(T\) to \(n\) is defined as the (skew) shifted tableau obtained by removing all cells filled with entries greater than \(n\) from \(T\).
This method computes merely the skew shape of the restriction. For the restriction itself, use
sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([["2p",2,3],["2p"]], skew=[2,1]) sage: s.pp() . . 2' 2 3 . 2' sage: s.restriction_shape(2) [4, 2] / [2, 1]
- shape()#
Return the shape of the underlying partition of
sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([[1,'2p',2,2],[2,'3p']]) sage: t.shape() [4, 2] sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([["2p",2,3],["2p"]],skew=[2,1]) sage: s.shape() [5, 2] / [2, 1]
- to_chain()#
Return the chain of partitions corresponding to the (skew) shifted tableau
, interlaced by one of the colours1
is the added cell is on the diagonal,2
if an ordinary entry is added and3
if a primed entry is added.EXAMPLES:
sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([(1, 2, 3.5, 5, 6.5), (3, 5.5)]) sage: s.pp() 1 2 4' 5 7' 3 6' sage: s.to_chain() [[], 1, [1], 2, [2], 1, [2, 1], 3, [3, 1], 2, [4, 1], 3, [4, 2], 3, [5, 2]] sage: s = ShiftedPrimedTableau([(1, 3.5), (2.5,), (6,)], skew=[2,1]) sage: s.pp() . . 1 4' . 3' 6 sage: s.to_chain() [[2, 1], 2, [3, 1], 0, [3, 1], 3, [3, 2], 3, [4, 2], 0, [4, 2], 1, [4, 2, 1]]
- weight()#
Return the weight of
.The weight of a shifted primed tableau is defined to be the vector with \(i\)-th component equal to the number of entries \(i\) and \(i'\) in the tableau.
sage: t = ShiftedPrimedTableau([['2p',2,2],[2,'3p']], skew=[1]) sage: t.weight() (0, 4, 1)
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.ShiftedPrimedTableaux(skew=None, primed_diagonal=False)#
Returns the combinatorial class of shifted primed tableaux subject to the constraints given by the arguments.
A primed tableau is a tableau of shifted shape on the alphabet \(X' = \{1' < 1 < 2' < 2 < \cdots < n' < n\}\) such that
the entries are weakly increasing along rows and columns
a row cannot have two repeated primed entries, and a column cannot have two repeated non-primed entries
Valid optional keywords:
– the (outer skew) shape of tableauxweight
– the weight of tableauxmax_entry
– the maximum entry of tableauxskew
– the inner skew shape of tableauxprimed_diagonal
– allow primed entries in main diagonal of tableaux
The weight of a tableau is defined to be the vector with \(i\)-th component equal to the number of entries \(i\) and \(i'\) in the tableau. The sum of the coordinates in the weight vector must be equal to the number of entries in the partition.
must be strictly decreasing partitions. Theprimed_diagonal
is a boolean (default:False
sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(1,2,2), shape=[3,2]); SPT Shifted Primed Tableaux of weight (1, 2, 2) and shape [3, 2] sage: SPT.list() [[(1, 2, 2), (3, 3)], [(1, 2', 3'), (2, 3)], [(1, 2', 3'), (2, 3')], [(1, 2', 2), (3, 3)]] sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(1,2,2), shape=[3,2], ....: primed_diagonal=True); SPT Shifted Primed Tableaux of weight (1, 2, 2) and shape [3, 2] sage: SPT.list() [[(1, 2, 2), (3, 3)], [(1, 2, 2), (3', 3)], [(1, 2', 3'), (2, 3)], [(1, 2', 3'), (2, 3')], [(1, 2', 3'), (2', 3)], [(1, 2', 3'), (2', 3')], [(1, 2', 2), (3, 3)], [(1, 2', 2), (3', 3)], [(1', 2, 2), (3, 3)], [(1', 2, 2), (3', 3)], [(1', 2', 3'), (2, 3)], [(1', 2', 3'), (2, 3')], [(1', 2', 3'), (2', 3)], [(1', 2', 3'), (2', 3')], [(1', 2', 2), (3, 3)], [(1', 2', 2), (3', 3)]] sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(1,2)); SPT Shifted Primed Tableaux of weight (1, 2) sage: list(SPT) [[(1, 2, 2)], [(1, 2', 2)], [(1, 2'), (2,)]] sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(1,2), primed_diagonal=True) sage: list(SPT) [[(1, 2, 2)], [(1, 2', 2)], [(1', 2, 2)], [(1', 2', 2)], [(1, 2'), (2,)], [(1, 2'), (2',)], [(1', 2'), (2,)], [(1', 2'), (2',)]] sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([3,2], max_entry=2); SPT Shifted Primed Tableaux of shape [3, 2] and maximum entry 2 sage: list(SPT) [[(1, 1, 1), (2, 2)], [(1, 1, 2'), (2, 2)]] sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([3,2], max_entry=2, ....: primed_diagonal=True) sage: list(SPT) [[(1, 1, 1), (2, 2)], [(1, 1, 1), (2', 2)], [(1', 1, 1), (2, 2)], [(1', 1, 1), (2', 2)], [(1, 1, 2'), (2, 2)], [(1, 1, 2'), (2', 2)], [(1', 1, 2'), (2, 2)], [(1', 1, 2'), (2', 2)]]
See also
- Element#
alias of
- options(*get_value, **set_value)#
Sets the global options for elements of the tableau, skew_tableau, and tableau tuple classes. The defaults are for tableau to be displayed as a list, latexed as a Young diagram using the English convention.
– (default:repr
) Controls the ascii art output for tableauxcompact
– minimal length ascii artrepr
– display using the diagram string representationtable
– display as a table
– (default:English
) Sets the convention used for displaying tableaux and partitionsEnglish
– use the English conventionFrench
– use the French convention
– (default:list
) Controls the way in which tableaux are printedarray
– alias fordiagram
– minimal length string representationdiagram
– display as Young diagram (similar topp()
– alias fordiagram
– print tableaux as listsyoung_diagram
– alias fordiagram
– (default:diagram
) Controls the way in which tableaux are latexedarray
– alias fordiagram
– as a Young diagramferrers_diagram
– alias fordiagram
– as a listyoung_diagram
– alias fordiagram
– alternative name forconvention
Changing the
for tableaux also changes theconvention
for partitions.If no parameters are set, then the function returns a copy of the options dictionary.
sage: T = Tableau([[1,2,3],[4,5]]) sage: T [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] sage: Tableaux.options.display="array" sage: T 1 2 3 4 5 sage: Tableaux.options.convention="french" sage: T 4 5 1 2 3
Changing the
for tableaux also changes theconvention
for partitions and vice versa:sage: P = Partition([3,3,1]) sage: print(P.ferrers_diagram()) * *** *** sage: Partitions.options.convention="english" sage: print(P.ferrers_diagram()) *** *** * sage: T 1 2 3 4 5
The ASCII art can also be changed:
sage: t = Tableau([[1,2,3],[4,5]]) sage: ascii_art(t) 1 2 3 4 5 sage: Tableaux.options.ascii_art = "table" sage: ascii_art(t) +---+---+---+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | +---+---+---+ | 4 | 5 | +---+---+ sage: Tableaux.options.ascii_art = "compact" sage: ascii_art(t) |1|2|3| |4|5| sage: Tableaux.options._reset()
for more features of these options.
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.ShiftedPrimedTableaux_all(skew=None, primed_diagonal=False)#
The class of all shifted primed tableaux.
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.ShiftedPrimedTableaux_shape(shape, max_entry=None, skew=None, primed_diagonal=False)#
Shifted primed tableaux of a fixed shape.
Shifted primed tableaux admit a type \(A_n\) classical crystal structure with highest weights corresponding to a given shape.
The list of module generators consists of all elements of the crystal with nonincreasing weight entries.
The crystal is constructed following operations described in [HPS2017] and [AO2018].
The optional
allows primed entries in the main diagonal of all the Shifted primed tableaux of a fixed shape. If themax_entry
is set to the total number of entries in the tableau ifprimed_diagonal
sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,3,1], max_entry=4) Shifted Primed Tableaux of shape [4, 3, 1] and maximum entry 4 sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,3,1], max_entry=4).cardinality() 384
We compute some of the crystal structure:
sage: SPTC = crystals.ShiftedPrimedTableaux([3,2], 3) sage: T = SPTC.module_generators[-1] sage: T [(1, 1, 2'), (2, 3')] sage: T.f(2) [(1, 1, 3'), (2, 3')] sage: len(SPTC.module_generators) 7 sage: SPTC[0] [(1, 1, 1), (2, 2)] sage: SPTC.cardinality() 24
We compare this implementation with the \(q(n)\)-crystal on (tensor products) of letters:
sage: tableau_crystal = crystals.ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,1], 3) sage: tableau_digraph = tableau_crystal.digraph() sage: c = crystals.Letters(['Q', 3]) sage: tensor_crystal = tensor([c]*5) sage: u = tensor_crystal(c(1), c(1), c(1), c(2), c(1)) sage: subcrystal = tensor_crystal.subcrystal(generators=[u], ....: index_set=[1,2,-1]) sage: tensor_digraph = subcrystal.digraph() sage: tensor_digraph.is_isomorphic(tableau_digraph, edge_labels=True) True
If we allow primed entries in the main diagonal:
sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,3,1], max_entry=4, ....: primed_diagonal=True) Shifted Primed Tableaux of shape [4, 3, 1] and maximum entry 4 sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,3,1], max_entry=4, ....: primed_diagonal=True).cardinality() 3072 sage: SPTC = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([3,2], max_entry=3, ....: primed_diagonal=True) sage: T = SPTC[-1] sage: T [(1', 2', 2), (3', 3)] sage: SPTC[0] [(1, 1, 1), (2, 2)] sage: SPTC.cardinality() 96
- module_generators()#
Return the generators of
as a crystal.
- shape()#
Return the shape of the shifted tableaux
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.ShiftedPrimedTableaux_weight(weight, skew=None, primed_diagonal=False)#
Shifted primed tableaux of fixed weight.
sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(2,3,1)) Shifted Primed Tableaux of weight (2, 3, 1) sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(2,3,1)).cardinality() 17 sage: SPT = ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(2,3,1), primed_diagonal=True) sage: SPT.cardinality() 64 sage: T = ShiftedPrimedTableaux(weight=(3,2), primed_diagonal=True) sage: T[:5] [[(1, 1, 1, 2, 2)], [(1, 1, 1, 2', 2)], [(1', 1, 1, 2, 2)], [(1', 1, 1, 2', 2)], [(1, 1, 1, 2), (2,)]] sage: T.cardinality() 16
- class sage.combinat.shifted_primed_tableau.ShiftedPrimedTableaux_weight_shape(weight, shape, skew=None, primed_diagonal=False)#
Shifted primed tableaux of the fixed weight and shape.
sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2,1], weight=(2,3,2)) Shifted Primed Tableaux of weight (2, 3, 2) and shape [4, 2, 1] sage: ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2,1], weight=(2,3,2)).cardinality() 4 sage: T = ShiftedPrimedTableaux([4,2,1], weight=(2,3,2), ....: primed_diagonal=True) sage: T[:6] [[(1, 1, 2, 2), (2, 3'), (3,)], [(1, 1, 2, 2), (2, 3'), (3',)], [(1, 1, 2, 2), (2', 3'), (3,)], [(1, 1, 2, 2), (2', 3'), (3',)], [(1, 1, 2', 3), (2, 2), (3,)], [(1, 1, 2', 3), (2, 2), (3',)]] sage: T.cardinality() 32