Finite residue fields#

We can take the residue field of maximal ideals in the ring of integers of number fields. We can also take the residue field of irreducible polynomials over \(GF(p)\).


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P)
sage: k
Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (2*a^2 + 3*a - 10)
sage: k.order()

We reduce mod a prime for which the ring of integers is not monogenic (i.e., 2 is an essential discriminant divisor):

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 8)
sage: F = K.factor(2); F
(Fractional ideal (1/2*a^2 - 1/2*a + 1)) * (Fractional ideal (-a^2 + 2*a - 3)) * (Fractional ideal (-3/2*a^2 + 5/2*a - 4))
sage: F[0][0].residue_field()
Residue field of Fractional ideal (1/2*a^2 - 1/2*a + 1)
sage: F[1][0].residue_field()
Residue field of Fractional ideal (-a^2 + 2*a - 3)
sage: F[2][0].residue_field()
Residue field of Fractional ideal (-3/2*a^2 + 5/2*a - 4)

We can also form residue fields from \(\ZZ\):

sage: ZZ.residue_field(17)
Residue field of Integers modulo 17

And for polynomial rings over finite fields:

sage: R.<t> = GF(5)[]
sage: I = R.ideal(t^2 + 2)
sage: k = ResidueField(I); k
Residue field in tbar of Principal ideal (t^2 + 2) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 5


  • David Roe (2007-10-3): initial version

  • William Stein (2007-12): bug fixes

  • John Cremona (2008-9): extend reduction maps to the whole valuation ring add support for residue fields of ZZ

  • David Roe (2009-12): added support for \(GF(p)(t)\) and moved to new coercion framework.

class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.LiftingMap#


Lifting map from residue class field to number field.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + 2)
sage: F = K.factor(5)[0][0].residue_field()
sage: L = F.lift_map(); L
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (a^2 + 2*a - 1)
  To:   Maximal Order in Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 + 2
sage: L(F.0^2)
3*a + 1
sage: L(3*a + 1) == F.0^2

sage: R.<t> = GF(13)[]
sage: P = R.ideal(8*t^12 + 9*t^11 + 11*t^10 + 2*t^9 + 11*t^8 + 3*t^7 + 12*t^6 + t^4 + 7*t^3 + 5*t^2 + 12*t + 1)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field()
sage: k.lift_map()
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^12 + 6*t^11 + 3*t^10 + 10*t^9 + 3*t^8 + 2*t^7 + 8*t^6 + 5*t^4 + 9*t^3 + 12*t^2 + 8*t + 5) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 13
  To:   Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 13
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ReductionMap#


A reduction map from a (subset) of a number field or function field to this residue class field.

It will be defined on those elements of the field with non-negative valuation at the specified prime.


sage: I = QQ[sqrt(17)].factor(5)[0][0]; I
Fractional ideal (5)
sage: k = I.residue_field(); k
Residue field in sqrt17bar of Fractional ideal (5)
sage: R = k.reduction_map(); R
Partially defined reduction map:
  From: Number Field in sqrt17 with defining polynomial x^2 - 17 with sqrt17 = 4.123105625617660?
  To:   Residue field in sqrt17bar of Fractional ideal (5)

sage: R.<t> = GF(next_prime(2^20))[]; P = R.ideal(t^2 + t + 1)
sage: k = P.residue_field()
sage: k.reduction_map()
Partially defined reduction map:
  From: Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 1048583
  To:   Residue field in tbar of Principal ideal (t^2 + t + 1) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 1048583

Computes a section of the map, namely a map that lifts elements of the residue field to elements of the field.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^5 - 5*x + 2)
sage: P = K.ideal(47).factor()[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P)
sage: f = k.convert_map_from(K)
sage: s = f.section(); s
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (-14*a^4 + 24*a^3 + 26*a^2 - 58*a + 15)
  To:   Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^5 - 5*x + 2
sage: s(k.gen())
sage: L.<b> = NumberField(x^5 + 17*x + 1)
sage: P = L.factor(53)[0][0]
sage: l = L.residue_field(P)
sage: g = l.convert_map_from(L)
sage: s = g.section(); s
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in bbar of Fractional ideal (53, b^2 + 23*b + 8)
  To:   Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^5 + 17*x + 1
sage: s(l.gen()).parent()
Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^5 + 17*x + 1

sage: R.<t> = GF(2)[]; h = t^5 + t^2 + 1
sage: k.<a> = R.residue_field(h)
sage: K = R.fraction_field()
sage: f = k.convert_map_from(K)
sage: f.section()
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^5 + t^2 + 1) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 2 (using GF2X)
  To:   Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 2 (using GF2X)
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFieldFactory#

Bases: sage.structure.factory.UniqueFactory

A factory that returns the residue class field of a prime ideal \(p\) of the ring of integers of a number field, or of a polynomial ring over a finite field.


  • p – a prime ideal of an order in a number field.

  • names – the variable name for the finite field created. Defaults to the name of the number field variable but with bar placed after it.

  • check – whether or not to check if \(p\) is prime.


  • The residue field at the prime \(p\).


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: ResidueField(P)
Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (2*a^2 + 3*a - 10)

The result is cached:

sage: ResidueField(P) is ResidueField(P)
sage: k = K.residue_field(P); k
Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (2*a^2 + 3*a - 10)
sage: k.order()

It also works for polynomial rings:

sage: R.<t> = GF(31)[]
sage: P = R.ideal(t^5 + 2*t + 11)
sage: ResidueField(P)
Residue field in tbar of Principal ideal (t^5 + 2*t + 11) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 31

sage: ResidueField(P) is ResidueField(P)
sage: k = ResidueField(P); k.order()

An example where the generator of the number field doesn’t generate the residue class field:

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-875)
sage: P = K.ideal(5).factor()[0][0]; k = K.residue_field(P); k
Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (5, 1/25*a^2 - 2/5*a - 1)
sage: k.polynomial()
abar^2 + 3*abar + 4
sage: k.0^3 - 875

An example where the residue class field is large but of degree 1:

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-875); P = K.ideal(2007).factor()[2][0]; k = K.residue_field(P); k
Residue field of Fractional ideal (223, 1/5*a + 11)
sage: k(a)
sage: k(a)^3 - 875

And for polynomial rings:

sage: R.<t> = GF(next_prime(2^18))[]
sage: P = R.ideal(t - 5)
sage: k = ResidueField(P); k
Residue field of Principal ideal (t + 262142) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 262147
sage: k(t)

In this example, 2 is an inessential discriminant divisor, so divides the index of ZZ[a] in the maximal order for all a:

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 8); P = K.ideal(2).factor()[0][0]; P
Fractional ideal (1/2*a^2 - 1/2*a + 1)
sage: F = K.residue_field(P); F
Residue field of Fractional ideal (1/2*a^2 - 1/2*a + 1)
sage: F(a)
sage: B = K.maximal_order().basis(); B
[1, 1/2*a^2 + 1/2*a, a^2]
sage: F(B[1])
sage: F(B[2])
sage: F
Residue field of Fractional ideal (1/2*a^2 - 1/2*a + 1)
create_key_and_extra_args(p, names=None, check=True, impl=None, **kwds)#

Return a tuple containing the key (uniquely defining data) and any extra arguments.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: ResidueField(K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]) # indirect doctest
Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (2*a^2 + 3*a - 10)
create_object(version, key, **kwds)#

Create the object from the key and extra arguments. This is only called if the object was not found in the cache.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: ResidueField(P) is ResidueField(P) # indirect doctest
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFieldHomomorphism_global#

Bases: sage.rings.morphism.RingHomomorphism

The class representing a homomorphism from the order of a number field or function field to the residue field at a given prime.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P  = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k  = K.residue_field(P)
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: abar = k(OK.1); abar
sage: (1+abar)^179
24*abar + 12

sage: phi = k.coerce_map_from(OK); phi
Ring morphism:
  From: Maximal Order in Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 7
  To:   Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (2*a^2 + 3*a - 10)
sage: phi in Hom(OK,k)
sage: phi(OK.1)

sage: R.<t> = GF(19)[]; P = R.ideal(t^2 + 5)
sage: k.<a> = R.residue_field(P)
sage: f = k.coerce_map_from(R); f
Ring morphism:
  From: Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 19
  To:   Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^2 + 5) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 19

Returns a lift of x to the Order, returning a “polynomial” in the generator with coefficients between 0 and \(p-1\).


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P)
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: f = k.coerce_map_from(OK)
sage: c = OK(a)
sage: b = k(a)
sage: f.lift(13*b + 5)
13*a + 5
sage: f.lift(12821*b+918)
3*a + 19

sage: R.<t> = GF(17)[]; P = R.ideal(t^3 + t^2 + 7)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field(); f = k.coerce_map_from(R)
sage: f.lift(a^2 + 5*a + 1)
t^2 + 5*t + 1
sage: f(f.lift(a^2 + 5*a + 1)) == a^2 + 5*a + 1

Computes a section of the map, namely a map that lifts elements of the residue field to elements of the ring of integers.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^5 - 5*x + 2)
sage: P = K.ideal(47).factor()[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P)
sage: f = k.coerce_map_from(K.ring_of_integers())
sage: s = f.section(); s
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in abar of Fractional ideal (-14*a^4 + 24*a^3 + 26*a^2 - 58*a + 15)
  To:   Maximal Order in Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^5 - 5*x + 2
sage: s(k.gen())
sage: L.<b> = NumberField(x^5 + 17*x + 1)
sage: P = L.factor(53)[0][0]
sage: l = L.residue_field(P)
sage: g = l.coerce_map_from(L.ring_of_integers())
sage: s = g.section(); s
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in bbar of Fractional ideal (53, b^2 + 23*b + 8)
  To:   Maximal Order in Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^5 + 17*x + 1
sage: s(l.gen()).parent()
Maximal Order in Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^5 + 17*x + 1

sage: R.<t> = GF(17)[]; P = R.ideal(t^3 + t^2 + 7)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field()
sage: f = k.coerce_map_from(R)
sage: f.section()
(map internal to coercion system -- copy before use)
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^3 + t^2 + 7) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17
  To:   Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueField_generic(p)#

Bases: sage.rings.ring.Field

The class representing a generic residue field.


sage: I = QQ[i].factor(2)[0][0]; I
Fractional ideal (I + 1)
sage: k = I.residue_field(); k
Residue field of Fractional ideal (I + 1)
sage: type(k)
<class 'sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_prime_modn_with_category'>

sage: R.<t> = GF(29)[]; P = R.ideal(t^2 + 2); k.<a> = ResidueField(P); k
Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^2 + 2) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 29
sage: type(k)
<class 'sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_givaro_with_category'>

Construction of this residue field.


An AlgebraicExtensionFunctor and the number field that this residue field has been obtained from.

The residue field is determined by a prime (fractional) ideal in a number field. If this ideal can be coerced into a different number field, then the construction functor applied to this number field will return the corresponding residue field. See trac ticket #15223.


sage: K.<z> = CyclotomicField(7)
sage: P = K.factor(17)[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P)
sage: k
Residue field in zbar of Fractional ideal (17)
sage: F, R =
sage: F
sage: R
Cyclotomic Field of order 7 and degree 6
sage: F(R) is k
sage: F(ZZ)
Residue field of Integers modulo 17
sage: F(CyclotomicField(49))
Residue field in zbar of Fractional ideal (17)

Return the maximal ideal that this residue field is the quotient by.


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + x + 1)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P) # indirect doctest
sage: k.ideal() is P
sage: p = next_prime(2^40); p
sage: k = K.residue_field(K.prime_above(p))
sage: k.ideal().norm() == p

sage: R.<t> = GF(17)[]; P = R.ideal(t^3 + t^2 + 7)
sage: k.<a> = R.residue_field(P)
sage: k.ideal()
Principal ideal (t^3 + t^2 + 7) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17

Returns a lift of x to the Order, returning a “polynomial” in the generator with coefficients between 0 and \(p-1\).


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k =K.residue_field(P)
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: c = OK(a)
sage: b = k(a)
sage: k.lift(13*b + 5)
13*a + 5
sage: k.lift(12821*b+918)
3*a + 19

sage: R.<t> = GF(17)[]; P = R.ideal(t^3 + t^2 + 7)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field()
sage: k.lift(a^2 + 5)
t^2 + 5

Returns the standard map from this residue field up to the ring of integers lifting the canonical projection.


sage: I = QQ[3^(1/3)].factor(5)[1][0]; I
Fractional ideal (-a + 2)
sage: k = I.residue_field(); k
Residue field of Fractional ideal (-a + 2)
sage: f = k.lift_map(); f
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field of Fractional ideal (-a + 2)
  To:   Maximal Order in Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 3 with a = 1.442249570307409?
sage: f.domain()
Residue field of Fractional ideal (-a + 2)
sage: f.codomain()
Maximal Order in Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 3 with a = 1.442249570307409?
sage: f(k.0)

sage: R.<t> = GF(17)[]; P = R.ideal(t^3 + t^2 + 7)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field()
sage: f = k.lift_map(); f
(map internal to coercion system -- copy before use)
Lifting map:
  From: Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^3 + t^2 + 7) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17
  To:   Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17
sage: f(a^2 + 5)
t^2 + 5

Return the partially defined reduction map from the number field to this residue class field.


sage: I = QQ[2^(1/3)].factor(2)[0][0]; I
Fractional ideal (a)
sage: k = I.residue_field(); k
Residue field of Fractional ideal (a)
sage: pi = k.reduction_map(); pi
Partially defined reduction map:
  From: Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 2 with a = 1.259921049894873?
  To:   Residue field of Fractional ideal (a)
sage: pi.domain()
Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 - 2 with a = 1.259921049894873?
sage: pi.codomain()
Residue field of Fractional ideal (a)

sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 32)
sage: F = K.factor(2)[0][0].residue_field()
sage: F.reduction_map().domain()
Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^3 + x^2 - 2*x + 32
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 + 128)
sage: F = K.factor(2)[0][0].residue_field()
sage: F.reduction_map().codomain()
Residue field of Fractional ideal (1/4*a)

sage: R.<t> = GF(17)[]; P = R.ideal(t^3 + t^2 + 7)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field(); f = k.reduction_map(); f
Partially defined reduction map:
  From: Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17
  To:   Residue field in a of Principal ideal (t^3 + t^2 + 7) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 17
sage: f(1/t)
12*a^2 + 12*a
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_givaro(p, q, name, modulus, to_vs, to_order, PB)#

Bases: sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueField_generic, sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_givaro.FiniteField_givaro

The class representing residue fields of number fields that have non-prime order strictly less than \(2^16\).


sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k =K.residue_field(P)
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: c = OK(a)
sage: b = k(c)
sage: b*c^2
sage: b*c
13*abar + 5

sage: R.<t> = GF(7)[]; P = R.ideal(t^2 + 4)
sage: k.<a> = R.residue_field(P); type(k)
<class 'sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_givaro_with_category'>
sage: k(1/t)
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_ntl_gf2e(q, name, modulus, repr, p, to_vs, to_order, PB)#

Bases: sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueField_generic, sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_ntl_gf2e.FiniteField_ntl_gf2e

The class representing residue fields with order a power of 2.

When the order is less than \(2^16\), givaro is used by default instead.


sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[0][0]
sage: k =K.residue_field(P)
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: c = OK(a)
sage: b = k(c)
sage: b*c^2
sage: b*c
13*abar + 5

sage: R.<t> = GF(2)[]; P = R.ideal(t^19 + t^5 + t^2 + t + 1)
sage: k.<a> = R.residue_field(P); type(k)
<class 'sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_ntl_gf2e_with_category'>
sage: k(1/t)
a^18 + a^4 + a + 1
sage: k(1/t)*t
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_pari_ffelt(p, characteristic, name, modulus, to_vs, to_order, PB)#

Bases: sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueField_generic, sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_pari_ffelt.FiniteField_pari_ffelt

The class representing residue fields of number fields that have non-prime order at least \(2^16\).


sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(923478923).factor()[0][0]
sage: k = K.residue_field(P)
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: c = OK(a)
sage: b = k(c)
sage: b+c
sage: b*c
664346875*abar + 535606347
sage: k.base_ring()
Finite Field of size 923478923

sage: R.<t> = GF(5)[]; P = R.ideal(4*t^12 + 3*t^11 + 4*t^10 + t^9 + t^8 + 3*t^7 + 2*t^6 + 3*t^4 + t^3 + 3*t^2 + 2)
sage: k.<a> = P.residue_field()
sage: type(k)
<class 'sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_pari_ffelt_with_category'>
sage: k(1/t)
3*a^11 + a^10 + 3*a^9 + 2*a^8 + 2*a^7 + a^6 + 4*a^5 + a^3 + 2*a^2 + a
class sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueFiniteField_prime_modn(p, name, intp, to_vs, to_order, PB)#

Bases: sage.rings.finite_rings.residue_field.ResidueField_generic, sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_prime_modn.FiniteField_prime_modn

The class representing residue fields of number fields that have prime order.


sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-7)
sage: P = K.ideal(29).factor()[1][0]
sage: k = ResidueField(P)
sage: k
Residue field of Fractional ideal (-a^2 - 2*a - 2)
sage: k.order()
sage: OK = K.maximal_order()
sage: c = OK(a)
sage: b = k(a)
sage: k.coerce_map_from(OK)(c)
sage: k(4)
sage: k(c + 5)
sage: b + c

sage: R.<t> = GF(7)[]; P = R.ideal(2*t + 3)
sage: k = P.residue_field(); k
Residue field of Principal ideal (t + 5) of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Finite Field of size 7
sage: k(t^2)
sage: k.order()