Details of external packages#
Packages are in alphabetical order.
- 4ti2: Algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces
- admcycles: Computation in the tautological ring of the moduli space of curves
- alabaster: Default theme for the Sphinx documentation system
- antic: Algebraic Number Theory In C
- appdirs: A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a “user data dir”.
- appnope: Disable App Nap on macOS >= 10.9
- arb: Arbitrary-precision floating-point ball arithmetic
- argon2_cffi: The secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm
- asttokens: Annotate AST trees with source code positions
- attrs: Decorator for Python classes with attributes
- auditwheel_or_delocate: Repair wheels on Linux or macOS
- awali: Computation of/with finite state machines
- babel: Internationalization utilities for Python
- backcall: Specifications for callback functions
- backports_zoneinfo: Backport of the standard library zoneinfo module
- barvinok: Projections of integer point sets of parametric polytopes
- beautifulsoup4: Screen-scraping library
- beniget: Extract semantic information about static Python code
- benzene: Generate fusenes and benzenoids with a given number of faces
- biopython: Tools for computational molecular biology
- bleach: An HTML-sanitizing tool
- bliss: Computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs
- boost_cropped: Portable C++ libraries (subset needed for Sage)
- _bootstrap: Represents system packages required for running the top-level bootstrap script
- brial: Boolean Ring Algebra implementation using binary decision diagrams
- buckygen: Efficient generation of nonisomorphic fullerenes
- bzip2: High-quality data compressor
- cbc: COIN-OR branch and cut solver for mixed-integer programs
- ccache: A compiler cache
- cddlib: Double description method for polyhedral representation conversion
- certifi: Python package for providing Mozilla’s CA Bundle
- cffi: Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
- charset_normalizer: The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet.
- cliquer: Routines for clique searching
- cmake: A cross-platform build system generator
- cocoalib: Computations in commutative algebra
- combinatorial_designs: Data from the Handbook of Combinatorial Designs
- configure: Files of the Sage distribution that are autogenerated in the bootstrapping phase
- conway_polynomials: Tables of Conway polynomials over finite fields
- coxeter3: Library for Coxeter groups, Bruhat ordering, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
- cppy: C++ headers for C extension development
- cryptominisat: A SAT solver
- csdp: Solver for semidefinite programs
- cunningham_tables: List of the prime numbers occuring in the Cunningham table
- curl: Multiprotocol data transfer library and utility
- cvxopt: Python software for convex optimization
- cycler: Composable cycles
- cylp: A Python interface for CLP, CBC, and CGL
- cypari2: Python interface to the number theory library libpari
- cysignals: Interrupt and signal handling for Cython
- cython: C-Extensions for Python, an optimizing static compiler
- d3js: JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data
- database_cremona_ellcurve: Database of elliptic curves
- database_cubic_hecke: Ivan Marin’s representations of the cubic Hecke algebra
- database_jones_numfield: Table of number fields
- database_knotinfo: Content of the KnotInfo and LinkInfo databases as lists of dictionaries
- database_kohel: Database of modular and Hilbert polynomials
- database_mutation_class: Database of exceptional mutation classes of quivers
- database_odlyzko_zeta: Table of zeros of the Riemann zeta function
- database_stein_watkins: Database of elliptic curves (full version)
- database_stein_watkins_mini: Database of elliptic curves (small version)
- database_symbolic_data: Database from the SymbolicData project
- dateutil: Extensions to the standard Python module datetime
- debugpy: An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
- decorator: Python library providing decorators
- deformation: Count points on hypersurfaces using the deformation method
- defusedxml: Addresses vulnerabilities of XML parsers and XML libraries
- deprecation: A library to handle automated deprecations
- _develop: Represents system packages recommended for development
- distlib: Distribution utilities
- docutils: Processing plaintext documentation into useful formats, such as HTML or LaTeX
- dot2tex: Create PGF/TikZ commands from Graphviz output
- e_antic: Real embedded number fields
- ecl: An implementation of the Common Lisp language
- eclib: Enumerating and computing with elliptic curves defined over the rational numbers
- ecm: Elliptic curve method for integer factorization
- editables: Editable installations
- elliptic_curves: Databases of elliptic curves
- entrypoints: Discover and load entry points from installed Python packages
- executing: Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information
- fastjsonschema: Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
- fflas_ffpack: Dense linear algebra over word-size finite fields
- ffmpeg: ffmpeg video converter
- filelock: A platform independent file lock
- flint: Fast Library for Number Theory
- flintqs: Multi-polynomial quadratic sieve for integer factorization
- flit_core: Distribution-building parts of Flit. See flit package for more information
- fonttools: Tools to manipulate font files
- fplll: Lattice algorithms, including LLL with floating-point orthogonalization
- fpylll: Python interface for FPLLL
- freetype: A free, high-quality, and portable font engine
- fricas: A general purpose computer algebra system
- frobby: Computations on monomial ideals
- furo: A clean customizable Sphinx documentation theme
- gambit: Computations on finite, noncooperative games
- gap: Groups, Algorithms, Programming - a system for computational discrete algebra
- gap3: A minimal distribution of GAP 3 containing packages that have no equivalent in GAP 4
- gap_jupyter: Jupyter kernel for GAP
- gap_packages: A collection of GAP packages
- gast: Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version
- gc: The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector
- gcc: The GNU Compiler Collection or other suitable C and C++ compilers
- gdb: The GNU Project debugger
- gengetopt: getopt_long parser generator
- gf2x: Fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x] and searching for irreducible/primitive trinomials
- gfan: Groebner fans and tropical varieties
- gfortran: Fortran compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection
- giac: A general purpose computer algebra system
- git: Version control system
- givaro: C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
- glpk: GNU Linear Programming Kit
- glucose: A SAT solver
- gmp: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
- gmpy2: Python interface to GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC
- gnulib: Modules imported from Gnulib
- gp2c: A compiler for translating GP routines to C
- graphs: A database of combinatorial graphs
- graphviz: Graph visualization software
- gsl: The GNU Scientific Library
- hatchling: Modern, extensible Python build backend
- html5lib: An HTML parser
- iconv: Library for language/country-dependent character encodings
- idna: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
- igraph: A library for creating and manipulating graphs
- ImageMagick: A collection of tools and libraries for many image file formats
- imagesize: Parser for image file metadata
- iml: Integer Matrix Library
- importlib_metadata: Library to access the metadata for a Python package
- importlib_resources: Read resources from Python packages
- info: stand-alone Info documentation reader
- ipykernel: IPython Kernel for Jupyter
- ipympl: Matplotlib Jupyter Extension
- ipython: Interactive computing environment with an enhanced interactive Python shell
- ipython_genutils: Vestigial utilities from IPython
- ipywidgets: Interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks and the IPython kernel
- isl: Sets and relations of integer points bounded by affine constraints
- jedi: Static analysis tool providing IDE support for Python
- jinja2: General purpose template engine for Python
- jmol: Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D
- jsonschema: Python implementation of JSON Schema
- jupymake: A Python wrapper for the polymake shell
- jupyter_client: Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
- jupyter_core: Jupyter core package
- jupyter_jsmol: JSmol viewer widget for Jupyter
- jupyterlab: An extensible environment for interactive and reproducible computing
- jupyterlab_pygments: Pygments theme using JupyterLab CSS variables
- jupyterlab_widgets: A JupyterLab extension for Jupyter/IPython widgets
- jupyter_packaging: Jupyter Packaging Utilities
- jupyter_sphinx: Jupyter Sphinx Extension
- kenzo: Construct topological spaces and compute homology groups
- kiwisolver: An implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm
- latte_int: Count lattice points, compute volumes, and integrate over convex polytopes
- lcalc: L-function calculator
- libatomic_ops: Access hardware-provided atomic memory update operations
- libbraiding: Computing with braids
- libffi: A portable foreign-function interface library
- libgd: Dynamic graphics generation tool
- libgraphviz: Graph visualization software (callable library)
- libhomfly: Compute the homfly polynomial of knots and links
- liblzma: General-purpose data compression software
- libnauty: Find automorphism groups of graphs, generate non-isomorphic graphs (callable library)
- libogg: Library for the Ogg multimedia container format
- libpng: Bitmap image support
- libsemigroups: Library for semigroups and monoids
- libtheora: Library for the Theora video codec
- libxml2: XML parser and toolkit
- lidia: A library for computational number theory
- lie: Library for the representation theory of complex semisimple Lie groups and algebras
- linbox: Linear algebra with dense, sparse, structured matrices over the integers and finite fields
- llvm: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, including the Clang C/C++/Objective-C compiler
- lrcalc: Littlewood-Richardson calculator
- lrcalc_python: Littlewood-Richardson calculator
- lrslib: Reverse search algorithm for vertex enumeration and convex hull problems
- m4ri: fast arithmetic with dense matrices over GF(2)
- m4rie: Arithmetic with dense matrices over GF(2^e)
- markupsafe: Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup
- mathics: A general-purpose computer algebra system
- mathics_scanner: Character Tables and Tokenizer for Mathics and the Wolfram Language.
- mathjax: A JavaScript library for displaying mathematical formulas
- matplotlib: Python 2D plotting library
- matplotlib_inline: Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter
- maxima: System for manipulating symbolic and numerical expressions
- mcqd: An exact algorithm for finding a maximum clique in an undirected graph
- meataxe: Library for computing with modular representations
- memory_allocator: An extension class to allocate memory easily with Cython
- mistune: A markdown parser in pure Python
- modular_decomposition: A modular decomposition algorithm
- p_group_cohomology: Modular cohomology rings of finite groups
- mpc: Arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision and correct rounding
- mpfi: Multiple precision interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
- mpfr: Multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding
- mpfrcx: Arithmetic of univariate polynomials over arbitrary precision real or complex numbers
- mpmath: Pure Python library for multiprecision floating-point arithmetic
- msolve: Multivariate polynomial system solver
- nauty: Find automorphism groups of graphs, generate non-isomorphic graphs
- nbclient: A client library for executing notebooks. Formerly nbconvert’s ExecutePreprocessor.
- nbconvert: Converting Jupyter Notebooks
- nbformat: Base implementation of the Jupyter notebook format
- ncurses: Classic terminal output library
- nest_asyncio: Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops
- networkx: Python package for complex networks
- nibabel: Access a multitude of neuroimaging data formats
- ninja_build: A build system with a focus on speed
- nodeenv: A tool to create isolated node.js environments
- nodejs: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine
- normaliz: Computations in affine monoids, vector configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones
- notebook: Jupyter notebook, a web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
- notedown: Create IPython notebooks from markdown
- ntl: A library for doing number theory
- numpy: Package for scientific computing with Python
- openblas: An optimized implementation of BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
- openssl: Implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols
- ore_algebra: Ore algebra
- packaging: Core utilities for Python packages
- palettable: Color palettes for Python
- palp: A package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
- pandoc: A document converter
- pandoc_attributes: A parser and generator for pandoc block attributes
- pandocfilters: A Python module for writing pandoc filters
- pari: Computer algebra system for fast computations in number theory
- pari_elldata: PARI data package for elliptic curves
- pari_galdata: PARI data package needed to compute Galois groups in degrees 8 through 11
- pari_galpol: PARI data package for polynomials defining Galois extensions of the rationals
- pari_jupyter: A Jupyter kernel for PARI/GP
- pari_nftables: PARI data package for number fields
- pari_seadata: PARI data package needed by ellap for large primes (full version)
- pari_seadata_small: PARI data package needed by ellap for large primes (small version)
- parso: A Python parser
- patch: Applies diffs and patches to files
- pathspec: Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths.
- pcre: Perl-compatible regular expressions library
- pdf2svg - PDF to SVG convertor
- perl_cpan_polymake_prereq: Represents all Perl packages that are prerequisites for polymake
- perl_mongodb: A prerequisite for polymake’s PolyDB feature
- perl_term_readline_gnu: Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History libraries
- pexpect: Python module for controlling and automating other programs
- p_group_cohomology: Modular cohomology rings of finite groups
- phitigra: A graph editor for SageMath/Jupyter
- pickleshare: A ‘shelve’ like datastore with concurrency support
- pillow: Python Imaging Library
- pint: Physical quantities module
- pip: Tool for installing and managing Python packages
- pkgconf: An implementation of the pkg-config spec
- pkgconfig: Python interface to pkg-config
- planarity: Planarity-related graph algorithms
- plantri: Generate non-isomorphic sphere-embdedded graphs
- platformdirs: A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a “user data dir”.
- pluggy: plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python
- ply: Python Lex & Yacc
- poetry_core: Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend
- polylib: Operations on unions of polyhedra
- polymake: Computations with polyhedra, fans, simplicial complexes, matroids, graphs, tropical hypersurfaces
- polytopes_db: Databases of 2- and 3-dimensional reflexive polytopes
- polytopes_db_4d: Database of 4-dimensional reflexive polytopes
- ppl: Parma Polyhedra Library
- pplpy: Python interface to the Parma Polyhedra Library
- pplpy_doc: Python interface to the Parma Polyhedra Library (documentation)
- _prereq: Represents system packages required for installing SageMath from source
- primecount: Algorithms for counting primes
- primecountpy: Cython interface for C++ primecount library
- primesieve: CLI program and C/C++ library for generating primes
- prometheus_client: Python client for the systems monitoring and alerting toolkit Prometheus
- prompt_toolkit: Interactive command lines for Python
- ptyprocess: Python interaction with subprocesses in a pseudoterminal
- pure_eval: Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects
- py: library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
- pybind11: Create Python bindings to C++ code
- pybtex: A BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor in Python
- pycosat: SAT solver picosat with Python bindings
- pycparser: Parser of the C language in Python
- pycryptosat: Python module of cryptominisat
- pycygwin: Python bindings for Cygwin’s C API
- pyflakes: Passive checker of Python programs
- pygments: Generic syntax highlighter
- pygraphviz: Python interface to Graphviz
- pynormaliz: Python bindings for the normaliz library
- pyparsing: A Python parsing module
- pyppeteer: Headless chrome/chromium automation library
- pyproject_metadata: PEP 621 metadata parsing
- pyrsistent: Persistent data structures in Python
- pysingular: A basic Python interface to Singular
- pytest: Simple powerful testing with Python
- pytest_xdist: pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
- python3: The Python programming language
- python_build: A simple, correct PEP517 package builder
- python_igraph: Python bindings for igraph
- pythran: Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels
- pytz: Timezone definitions for Python
- pytz_deprecation_shim: Shims to make deprecation of pytz easier
- pyx: Generate PostScript, PDF, and SVG files in Python
- pyzmq: Python bindings for the zeromq networking library
- qepcad: Quantifier elimination by partial cylindrical algebraic decomposition
- qhull: Compute convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams
- r: A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics
- readline: Command line editing library
- _recommended: Represents system packages recommended for additional functionality
- requests: An HTTP library for Python
- retrolab: JupyterLab Distribution with a retro look and feel
- r_jupyter: Jupyter kernel for R
- rpy2: Python interface to R
- rst2ipynb: Convert reStructuredText files to Jupyter notebooks
- rubiks: Programs for Rubik’s cube
- rw: Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions
- saclib: Computations with real algebraic numbers
- sage_conf: Configuration module for the SageMath library (distributable version)
- Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: Build system of the Sage documentation
- sage_flatsurf: computation with flat surfaces
- _sagemath: Downstream package of Sage in distributions
- Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: Sage categories and basic rings
- sagemath_doc_html: SageMath documentation in HTML format
- sagemath_doc_pdf: SageMath documentation in PDF format
- Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: System and software environment
- Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: Sage objects, elements, parents, categories, coercion, metaclasses
- Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: IPython kernel, Sage preparser, doctester
- sagenb_export: Convert legacy SageNB notebooks to Jupyter notebooks and other formats
- sage_numerical_backends_coin: COIN-OR backend for Sage MixedIntegerLinearProgram
- sage_numerical_backends_cplex: Cplex backend for Sage MixedIntegerLinearProgram
- sage_numerical_backends_gurobi: Gurobi backend for Sage MixedIntegerLinearProgram
- sage-setup: Build system of the SageMath library
- sage_sws2rst: Translate legacy Sage worksheet files (.sws) to reStructuredText (.rst) files
- sagetex: Embed code, results of computations, and plots from Sage into LaTeX documents
- scipoptsuite: Mixed integer programming solver
- scipy: Scientific tools for Python
- send2trash: Send file to trash natively under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
- setuptools: Build system for Python packages
- setuptools_scm: Python build system extension to obtain package version from version control
- setuptools_scm_git_archive: setuptools_scm plugin for git archives
- setuptools_wheel: Build the setuptools package as a wheel
- simplegeneric: Simple single-dispatch generic functions for Python
- singular: Computer algebra system for polynomial computations, algebraic geometry, singularity theory
- singular_jupyter: Jupyter kernel for Singular
- sirocco: Compute topologically certified root continuation of bivariate polynomials
- six: Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- slabbe: Sébastien Labbé’s Research code
- snappy: Topology and geometry of 3-manifolds, with a focus on hyperbolic structures
- snowballstemmer: Stemmer algorithms for natural language processing in Python
- soupsieve: A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup.
- sphinx: Python documentation generator
- sphinx_basic_ng: A modern skeleton for Sphinx themes.
- sphinxcontrib_applehelp: Sphinx extension which outputs Apple help book
- sphinxcontrib_devhelp: Sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp documents
- sphinxcontrib_htmlhelp: Sphinx extension which outputs HTML help book
- sphinxcontrib_jsmath: Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript
- sphinxcontrib_qthelp: Sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp documents
- sphinxcontrib_serializinghtml: Sphinx extension which outputs serialized HTML files
- sphinxcontrib_websupport: Sphinx API for Web apps
- sqlalchemy: A database abstraction library
- sqlite: An SQL database engine
- stack_data: Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays
- suitesparse: A suite of sparse matrix software
- surf: Visualization of algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and hyperplane sections of surfaces
- surface_dynamics: dynamics on surfaces (measured foliations, interval exchange transformation, Teichmüller flow, etc)
- symengine: A C++ symbolic manipulation library
- symengine_py: Python wrappers for SymEngine
- symmetrica: Library for representation theory
- sympow: Computes special values of symmetric power elliptic curve L-functions
- sympy: Python library for symbolic mathematics
- tachyon: A ray tracing system
- tdlib: Algorithms for computing tree decompositions
- terminado: Tornado websocket backend for the term.js Javascript terminal emulator library
- texlive: A comprehensive TeX system
- texttable: Python module for creating simple ASCII tables
- threejs: JavaScript library to display 3D graphics in the browser
- tides: Integration of ODEs
- tinycss2: A tiny CSS parser
- toml: Python Library for Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language
- tomli: A lil’ TOML parser
- tomlkit: Style preserving TOML library
- topcom: Compute triangulations of point configurations and oriented matroids
- tornado: Python web framework and asynchronous networking library
- tox: tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool
- traitlets: Traitlets Python configuration system
- typing_extensions: Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+
- tzdata: Provider of IANA time zone data
- tzlocal: Python timezone information for the local timezone
- urllib3: HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
- valgrind: Memory error detector, call graph generator, runtime profiler
- vcversioner: Python build system extension to obtain package version from version control
- virtualenv: Virtual Python Environment builder
- wcwidth: Measures the displayed width of unicode strings in a terminal
- webencodings: Character encoding aliases for legacy web content
- wheel: A built-package format for Python
- widgetsnbextension: Jupyter notebook extension for interactive HTML widgets
- xz: General-purpose data compression software
- zeromq: A modern networking library
- zipp: A pathlib-compatible zipfile object wrapper
- zlib: Data compression library
- zn_poly: C library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x]