Tate algebras#
The associated Tate algebra consists of series of the form
for which the quantity
goes to infinity when the multi-index
These series converge on the closed disc defined by the inequalities
We can create Tate algebras using the constructor
sage: K = Qp(2, 5, print_mode='digits')
sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(K)
sage: A
Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 5
As we observe, the default value for the log radii of convergence
We can specify different log radii using the following syntax:
sage: B.<u,v> = TateAlgebra(K, log_radii=[1,2]); B
Tate Algebra in u (val >= -1), v (val >= -2) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 5
Note that if we pass in the ring of integers of
sage: A1.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(K.integer_ring()); A1
Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 5
sage: A is A1
However the method integer_ring()
constructs the integer ring
of a Tate algebra, that is the subring consisting of series bounded
sage: Ao = A.integer_ring()
sage: Ao
Integer ring of the Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 5
Now we can build elements:
sage: f = 5 + 2*x*y^3 + 4*x^2*y^2; f
...00101 + ...000010*x*y^3 + ...0000100*x^2*y^2
sage: g = x^3*y + 2*x*y; g
...00001*x^3*y + ...000010*x*y
and perform all usual arithmetic operations on them:
sage: f + g
...00001*x^3*y + ...00101 + ...000010*x*y^3 + ...000010*x*y + ...0000100*x^2*y^2
sage: f * g
...00101*x^3*y + ...000010*x^4*y^4 + ...001010*x*y + ...0000100*x^5*y^3 + ...0000100*x^2*y^4 + ...00001000*x^3*y^3
An element in the integer ring is invertible if and only if its
reduction modulo
sage: f.inverse_of_unit()
...01101 + ...01110*x*y^3 + ...10100*x^2*y^6 + ... + O(2^5 * <x, y>)
sage: g.inverse_of_unit()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: this series in not invertible
The notation
We can also evaluate series in a point of the domain of convergence (in the base field or in an extension):
sage: L.<a> = Qq(2^3, 5)
sage: f(a^2, 2*a)
1 + 2^2 + a*2^4 + O(2^5)
sage: var('u')
sage: L.<pi> = K.change(print_mode="series").extension(u^3 - 2)
sage: g(pi, 2*pi)
pi^7 + pi^8 + pi^19 + pi^20 + O(pi^21)
Computations with ideals in Tate algebras are also supported:
sage: f = 7*x^3*y + 2*x*y - x*y^2 - 6*y^5
sage: g = x*y^4 + 8*x^3 - 3*y^3 + 1
sage: I = A.ideal([f, g])
sage: I.groebner_basis()
[...00001*x^2*y^3 + ...00001*y^4 + ...10001*x^2 + ... + O(2^5 * <x, y>),
...00001*x*y^4 + ...11101*y^3 + ...00001 + ... + O(2^5 * <x, y>),
...00001*y^5 + ...11111*x*y^3 + ...01001*x^2*y + ... + O(2^5 * <x, y>),
...00001*x^3 + ...01001*x*y + ...10110*y^4 + ...01110*x + O(2^5 * <x, y>)]
sage: (x^2 + 3*y)*f + 1/2*(x^3*y + x*y)*g in I
Xavier Caruso, Thibaut Verron (2018-09)
- class sage.rings.tate_algebra.TateAlgebraFactory#
Construct a Tate algebra over a
-adic field.Given a
-adic field , variables and convergence log radii in , the corresponding Tate algebra consists of power series with coefficients in such thattends to infinity as
go towards infinity.INPUT:
– a -adic ring or field; if a ring is given, the Tate algebra over its fraction field will be constructedprec
– an integer orNone
), the precision cap; it is used if an exact object must be truncated in order to do an arithmetic operation. If left asNone
, it will be set to the precision cap of the base field.log_radii
– an integer or a list or a tuple of integers (default:0
), the value(s) . If an integer is given, this will be the common value for all .names
– names of the indeterminatesorder
– the monomial ordering (default:degrevlex
) used to break ties when comparing terms with the same coefficient valuation
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits'); R 2-adic Ring with capped relative precision 10 sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, order='lex'); A Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10
We observe that the result is the Tate algebra over the fraction field of
and not itself:sage: A.base_ring() 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: A.base_ring() is R.fraction_field() True
If we want to construct the ring of integers of the Tate algebra, we must use the method
:sage: Ao = A.integer_ring(); Ao Integer ring of the Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: Ao.base_ring() 2-adic Ring with capped relative precision 10 sage: Ao.base_ring() is R True
The term ordering is used (in particular) to determine how series are displayed. Terms are compared first according to the valuation of their coefficient, and ties are broken using the monomial ordering:
sage: A.term_order() Lexicographic term order sage: f = 2 + y^5 + x^2; f ...0000000001*x^2 + ...0000000001*y^5 + ...00000000010 sage: B.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R); B Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: B.term_order() Degree reverse lexicographic term order sage: B(f) ...0000000001*y^5 + ...0000000001*x^2 + ...00000000010
Here are examples of Tate algebra with smaller radii of convergence:
sage: B.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, log_radii=-1); B Tate Algebra in x (val >= 1), y (val >= 1) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: C.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, log_radii=[-1,-2]); C Tate Algebra in x (val >= 1), y (val >= 2) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10
Xavier Caruso, Thibaut Verron (2018-09)
- create_key(base, prec=None, log_radii=0, names=None, order='degrevlex')#
Create a key from the input parameters.
– a -adic ring or fieldprec
– an integer orNone
– an integer or a list or a tuple of integers (default:0
– names of the indeterminatesorder
- a monomial ordering (default:degrevlex
sage: TateAlgebra.create_key(Zp(2), names=['x','y']) (2-adic Field with capped relative precision 20, 20, (0, 0), ('x', 'y'), Degree reverse lexicographic term order)
- create_object(version, key)#
Create an object using the given key.
- class sage.rings.tate_algebra.TateAlgebra_generic(field, prec, log_radii, names, order, integral=False)#
Initialize the Tate algebra
- absolute_e()#
Return the absolute index of ramification of this Tate algebra.
It is equal to the absolute index of ramification of the field of coefficients.
sage: R = Zp(2) sage: A.<u,v> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.absolute_e() 1 sage: R.<a> = Zq(2^3) sage: A.<u,v> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.absolute_e() 1 sage: S.<a> = R.extension(x^2 - 2) sage: A.<u,v> = TateAlgebra(S) sage: A.absolute_e() 2
- characteristic()#
Return the characteristic of this algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.characteristic() 0
- gen(n=0)#
Return the
-th generator of this Tate algebra.INPUT:
- an integer (default:0
), the index of the requested generator
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.gen() ...0000000001*x sage: A.gen(0) ...0000000001*x sage: A.gen(1) ...0000000001*y sage: A.gen(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: generator not defined
- gens()#
Return the list of generators of this Tate algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.gens() (...0000000001*x, ...0000000001*y)
- integer_ring()#
Return the ring of integers (consisting of series bounded by 1 in the domain of convergence) of this Tate algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: Ao = A.integer_ring() sage: Ao Integer ring of the Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: x in Ao True sage: x/2 in Ao False
- is_integral_domain(proof=True)#
since any Tate algebra is an integral domain.EXAMPLES:
sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(Zp(3)) sage: A.is_integral_domain() True
- log_radii()#
Return the list of the log-radii of convergence radii defining this Tate algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.log_radii() (0, 0) sage: B.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, log_radii=1) sage: B.log_radii() (1, 1) sage: C.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, log_radii=(1,-1)) sage: C.log_radii() (1, -1)
- monoid_of_terms()#
Return the monoid of terms of this Tate algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.monoid_of_terms() Monoid of terms in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10
- ngens()#
Return the number of generators of this algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.ngens() 2
- precision_cap()#
Return the precision cap of this Tate algebra.
The precision cap is the truncation precision used for arithmetic operations computed by successive approximations (as inversion).
By default the precision cap is the precision cap of the field of coefficients:
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.precision_cap() 10
But it could be different (either smaller or larger) if we ask to:
sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, prec=5) sage: A.precision_cap() 5 sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, prec=20) sage: A.precision_cap() 20
- prime()#
Return the prime, that is the characteristic of the residue field.
sage: R = Zp(3) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.prime() 3
- random_element(degree=2, terms=5, integral=False, prec=None)#
Return a random element of this Tate algebra.
– an integer (default: 2), an upper bound on the total degree of the resultterms
– an integer (default: 5), the maximal number of terms of the resultintegral
– a boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
the result will be in the ring of integersprec
– (optional) an integer, the precision of the result
sage: R = Zp(2, prec=10, print_mode="digits") sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.random_element() # random (...00101000.01)*y + ...1111011111*x^2 + ...0010010001*x*y + ...110000011 + ...010100100*y^2 sage: A.random_element(degree=5, terms=3) # random (...0101100.01)*x^2*y + (...01000011.11)*y^2 + ...00111011*x*y sage: A.random_element(integral=True) # random ...0001111101*x + ...1101110101 + ...00010010110*y + ...101110001100*x*y + ...000001100100*y^2
Note that if we are already working on the ring of integers, specifying
has no effect:sage: Ao = A.integer_ring() sage: f = Ao.random_element(integral=False); f # random ...1100111011*x^2 + ...1110100101*x + ...1100001101*y + ...1110110001 + ...01011010110*y^2 sage: f in Ao True
When the log radii are negative, integral series may have non integral coefficients:
sage: B.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, log_radii=[-1,-2]) sage: B.random_element(integral=True) # random (...1111111.001)*x*y + (...111000101.1)*x + (...11010111.01)*y^2 + ...0010011011*y + ...0010100011000
- some_elements()#
Return a list of elements in this Tate algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.some_elements() [0, ...00000000010, ...0000000001*x, ...0000000001*y, ...00000000010*x*y, ...00000000100, ...0000000001*x + ...00000000010, ...0000000001*y + ...00000000010, ...00000000010*x*y + ...00000000010, ...0000000010*x, ...0000000001*x + ...0000000001*y, ...0000000001*x + ...00000000010*x*y, ...0000000010*y, ...0000000001*y + ...00000000010*x*y, ...00000000100*x*y]
- term_order()#
Return the monomial order used in this algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.term_order() Degree reverse lexicographic term order sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, order='lex') sage: A.term_order() Lexicographic term order
- variable_names()#
Return the names of the variables of this algebra.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: A.variable_names() ('x', 'y')
- class sage.rings.tate_algebra.TateTermMonoid(A)#
A base class for Tate algebra terms
A term in a Tate algebra
(resp. in its ring of integers) is a monomial in this ring.Those terms form a pre-ordered monoid, with term multiplication and the term order of the parent Tate algebra.
- Element#
alias of
- algebra_of_series()#
Return the Tate algebra corresponding to this Tate term monoid.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.algebra_of_series() Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: T.algebra_of_series() is A True
- base_ring()#
Return the base ring of this Tate term monoid.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.base_ring() 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10
We observe that the base field is not
but its fraction field:sage: T.base_ring() is R False sage: T.base_ring() is R.fraction_field() True
If we really want to create an integral Tate algebra, we have to invoke the method
:sage: Ao = A.integer_ring(); Ao Integer ring of the Tate Algebra in x (val >= 0), y (val >= 0) over 2-adic Field with capped relative precision 10 sage: Ao.base_ring() 2-adic Ring with capped relative precision 10 sage: Ao.base_ring() is R True
- gen(n=0)#
Return the
-th generator of this monoid of terms.INPUT:
- an integer (default:0
), the index of the requested generator
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.gen() ...0000000001*x sage: T.gen(0) ...0000000001*x sage: T.gen(1) ...0000000001*y sage: T.gen(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: generator not defined
- gens()#
Return the list of generators of this monoid of terms.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.gens() (...0000000001*x, ...0000000001*y)
- log_radii()#
Return the log radii of convergence of this Tate term monoid.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.log_radii() (0, 0) sage: B.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, log_radii=[1,2]) sage: B.monoid_of_terms().log_radii() (1, 2)
- ngens()#
Return the number of variables in the Tate term monoid
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.ngens() 2
- prime()#
Return the prime, that is the characteristic of the residue field.
sage: R = Zp(3) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.prime() 3
- some_elements()#
Return a list of elements in this monoid of terms.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10, print_mode='digits') sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.some_elements() [...00000000010, ...0000000001*x, ...0000000001*y, ...00000000010*x*y]
- term_order()#
Return the term order on this Tate term monoid.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.term_order() # default term order is grevlex Degree reverse lexicographic term order sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R, order='lex') sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.term_order() Lexicographic term order
- variable_names()#
Return the names of the variables of this Tate term monoid.
sage: R = Zp(2, 10) sage: A.<x,y> = TateAlgebra(R) sage: T = A.monoid_of_terms() sage: T.variable_names() ('x', 'y')