
exception sage_docbuild.utils.RemoteException(tb)#

Bases: Exception

Raised if an exception occurred in one of the child processes.

class sage_docbuild.utils.RemoteExceptionWrapper(exc)#

Bases: object

Used by child processes to capture exceptions thrown during execution and report them to the main process, including the correct traceback.

exception sage_docbuild.utils.WorkerDiedException(message, original_exception=None)#

Bases: RuntimeError

Raised if a worker process dies unexpected.

sage_docbuild.utils.build_many(target, args, processes=None)#

Map a list of arguments in args to a single-argument target function target in parallel using multiprocessing.cpu_count() (or processes if given) simultaneous processes.

This is a simplified version of multiprocessing.Pool.map from the Python standard library which avoids a couple of its pitfalls. In particular, it can abort (with a RuntimeError) without hanging if one of the worker processes unexpectedly dies. It also has semantics equivalent to maxtasksperchild=1; that is, one process is started per argument. As such, this is inefficient for processing large numbers of fast tasks, but appropriate for running longer tasks (such as doc builds) which may also require significant cleanup.

It also avoids starting new processes from a pthread, which results in at least two known issues:

In the future this may be replaced by a generalized version of the more robust parallel processing implementation from sage.doctest.forker.


sage: from sage_docbuild.utils import build_many
sage: def target(N):
....:     import time
....:     time.sleep(float(0.1))
....:     print('Processed task %s' % N)
sage: _ = build_many(target, range(8), processes=8)
Processed task ...
Processed task ...
Processed task ...
Processed task ...
Processed task ...
Processed task ...
Processed task ...
Processed task ...

Unlike the first version of build_many which was only intended to get around the Cygwin bug, this version can also return a result, and thus can be used as a replacement for multiprocessing.Pool.map (i.e. it still blocks until the result is ready):

sage: def square(N):
....:     return N * N
sage: build_many(square, range(100))
[0, 1, 4, 9, ..., 9604, 9801]

If the target function raises an exception in any of the workers, build_many raises that exception and all other results are discarded. Any in-progress tasks may still be allowed to complete gracefully before the exception is raised:

sage: def target(N):
....:     import time, os, signal
....:     if N == 4:
....:         # Task 4 is a poison pill
....:         1 / 0
....:     else:
....:         time.sleep(float(0.5))
....:         print('Processed task %s' % N)

Note: In practice this test might still show output from the other worker processes before the poison-pill is executed. It may also display the traceback from the failing process on stderr. However, due to how the doctest runner works, the doctest will only expect the final exception:

sage: build_many(target, range(8), processes=8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
    raise ZeroDivisionError("rational division by zero")
 ZeroDivisionError: rational division by zero
    raise worker_exc.original_exception
ZeroDivisionError: rational division by zero

Similarly, if one of the worker processes dies unexpectedly otherwise exits non-zero (e.g. killed by a signal) any in-progress tasks will be completed gracefully, but then a RuntimeError is raised and pending tasks are not started:

sage: def target(N):
....:     import time, os, signal
....:     if N == 4:
....:         # Task 4 is a poison pill
....:         os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
....:     else:
....:         time.sleep(float(0.5))
....:         print('Processed task %s' % N)
sage: build_many(target, range(8), processes=8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
WorkerDiedException: worker for 4 died with non-zero exit code -9